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发表于 2017-7-10 16:57:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Let it go

   The snow glows white on the mountain tonight;层层迷雾掩盖进化秘密

Not a footprint to be seen;历史总是惊人的相似

A kingdom of isolation;再这苍茫宇宙之中

And it looks like I'm the queen;我就像本源的源泉

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside;欲力挽狂澜,却力不从心/水滋化万物,却不干预万物

Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried;大浪淘沙,始现圣光

Don't let them in, don't let them see;回归本源,固住能量场

Be the good girl you always have to be;朝正确进化方向迈进

Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know;无情但慈悲/残酷但不邪恶

Well, now they know;天启开启

Let it go, let it go;顺其自然,自然而然

Can't hold it back anymore;这个能量没什么能hold住

Let it go, let it go;遵从造物意志,生生不息

Turn away and slam the door;进化差之毫厘谬以千里

I don't care what they're going to say;不追求,不抗拒

Let the storm rage on;燃烧吧我的小宇宙

The cold never bothered me anyway;进化九死一生

It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small;进化从来没有停歇过/从开始到现在历历在目

And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all;进化路途上的歧途

It's time to see what I can do;今天过了,明天还会再遇到

To test the limits and break through;遵从本心,融化再圣光中/朝着阳光飞翔

No right, no wrong, no rules for me;实现自我,追去无我。

I'm free;势不可挡,时不可待,进化的时机到了

Let it go, let it go;跟随心的牵引,任随神识进化

I am one with the wind and sky;任由能量无限衍生

Let it go, let it go;生生不息,生机勃勃

You'll never see me cry;进化是唯一出路

Here I stand and here I'll stay;心不妄心不动心不知心不觉

Let the storm rage on;万物自化

My power flurries through the air into the ground;造物主的意志会引领神识进化

My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around;而凡大道者,不玄不虚不实

And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast;无异无能无果,而无所不能

I'm never going back, the past is in the past;神未曾来过,也未曾离开过

Let it go, let it go;神就是我们进化的明灯

And I'll rise like the break of dawn;我们在照亮后面之人

Let it go, let it go;回到未来,回到过去

That perfect girl is gone;勇敢拥抱明天

Here I stand in the light of day;我愿化作那光辉

Let the storm rage on;。。。。。。。。。。

The cold never bothered me anyway;。。。。。。。。。

 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-10 17:03:21 | 显示全部楼层

   卖炭翁 潇洒走一回 能帮别人尽量帮别人 切记没帮到别人还教训别人的不对 先学会做人 在做男人  不执着于空与色  内心空净了 合一了  也就无我了  赤条条的来  赤条条的走


"无我"一一谈何容易?????  详情 回复 发表于 2017-7-19 09:49
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-10 17:06:37 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-7-10 17:12:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-7-19 09:49:25 【手机网友】 | 显示全部楼层
叶听风 发表于 2017-7-10 17:03
卖炭翁 潇洒走一回 能帮别人尽量帮别人 切记没帮到别人还教训别人的不对 先学会做人 在做男人  不 ...

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